Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello everyone I finally started using my youtube channel I have posted two movies and I am in the process of uploading my third I cant believe how long it takes to upload a movie to youtube or maybe its just my old computer thats the problem lol. Anyways just wanted to let people know i am doing vids now as well as my blog hopefully the double exposure will get me some more views and followers as well okay guys this was just a quick update and i should have something new for you next week as i hope to get some painting done this weekend ok i hope you all have a happy and safe new year.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The White Dwarf

Its been a busy month, I wish i had more time to get stuff painted up but now that christmas is almost over i can get back in the groove. I finally started up my youtube channel, nothing fancy about it the first video is about an army i was selling on ebay more just a test and it was fun. Okay i lied a little bit i did take a couple days and painted up my white dwarf model just for a change hope you guys like it and have a safe and happy holiday.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Wow I can't believe people are actually buying my figures I've been painting, the problem is I am running out of painted models that I want to sell lol. It seems like Ultramarines stuff is very popular so as of now not sure what i should paint up next thinking another tatical squard or marneus or lysander what do you guys think out there and thanks to pizza and corvus for becoming members you guys rock.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ork Warboss

Here is an Ork Warboss i just finished painting i am intending on putting it up forsale on ebay, I recently started to sell some of my painted models online. I know they aren't the quality of most of the commision sites out there but then thats not my intention, this is more to help my painting skills improve and as long as i make my money back for the model it will keep me happy.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Heres my Lone Wolf model i recently finished points wise he is pretty costly but when he can take on a typhus and a unit of plague marines by himself and tie them up for a 3 turns thats pretty cost effective i think the only problem was trying to make sure he got over there to engage them originally i wanted him to go after the defiler and the great unclean one but they got taken out pretty early perhaps ill try my hand at writing up a battle report.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Wolves Battleforce

With the new release this past week of the Space wolves Battleforce I've been thinking about drop pods quite a bit, because they included a drop pod instead of a rhino this time. I currently don't own a drop pod mainly because I just don't like them. Maybe if you could assault out of a drop pod then i would use one, but that would be too way over powered. I just like the mobility of a rhino way too much to give them up for something that holds the same troops and then scatters and is immobile once its finished its task. Now i could be wrong because i do see tons of drop pod lists out there even my buddy has picked up 3 pods to use for his imperial fist army so maybe i am just out of touch on this subject. The only unit i could see myself putting in a drop pod would be a dreadnought having them drop in on the enemy brings back death from above moments from battletech lol. Having a Dread suddenly appear and opening up on the enemy is a great advantage especially those ones armed with a multi melta where you need to get up and close to destroy the enemies armor, as they usually become targets as soon as they walk on the table. So one day maybe ill pick up a drop pod just for that purpose alone but til then ill keep my packs running around in rhinos.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Logan is ready to lead

Heres my Logan Grimnar the great wolf

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wolves in progress

I started to paint my Wolves army and i thought i would start with some old pewter grey hunters and blood claws for my army this time around i will be using them all as grey hunters and my blood claws will be plastics.

I will mix in some hunters armed with bolt pistol and others with boltgun to give the unit a less static look, also i am using the old wolf guard standard bearer as a grey hunter standard bearer.

These arent quite finished as i want to paint the right shoulder red instead of the yellow and then do some transfers and finish up the bases when i have the unit complete.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Space Wolves

Okay with the Space Wolves codex set to be released on October 3rd, it's time to start assembling and painting the wolves I have been collecting for years. I started with a basic grey hunter squad with a power fist, melta gun, standard bearer and plasma pistol combo i will also be adding in a wolf guard leader for the squad. I'll probaly start with painting them in a groups of five. Okay so here we go bare with me

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hi all i plan on working on my cadian army for the next few months and ill wait for the space wolve codex to come out. So here is my first infantry squad not quite done but i wanted to put up some pics on my new blog.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Salamander Dreadnought

This is one the last things i have painted originally it was for a friend of mine but he changed armies on me so now i am stuck with it.